I am fine
Shiela is one of my childhood best friends. We went to high school together and we were inseparable.
Children can be cruel. They were to Isabelita. Isabelita was the tallest in my grade school class. And I was the second tallest girl. So, whenever we lined up for the national anthem or for a group activity, she was always behind
Coming Out
“When did you know?” Shiela asked Jennie. We were in a hotel lobby for my birthday, a rare celebration with champagne when we were all non-alcoholics. But it was fun to have a pretentious afternoon with my golden girls. It was also
There was a Boy
Every good story starts with a boy. And this is mine. I recently turned a year older, firmly in my mid-fifties, and began questioning every decision I made in life. It’s something that probably hits everyone on a birthday. The questioning, the